Perhaps it seems further in the past than just shy of a few decades ago when our access to the internet, or what was then commonly known as the world-wide web, involved an endearing dial tone to signal a connection.
Surfing the web gave us unprecedented access to information in ways that we never had before, not without spending hours at the library anyway. Despite the many benefits, this new access to information came with a few drawbacks. You couldn’t use your telephone while being connected to the internet. Getting connected took several minutes, not at all instantaneous like it is today. Despite our many complaints about the current cost of internet access, the reality is, we pay a fraction of what we used to.
Despite these drawbacks, early adopters of the internet could recognize the fundamental value of access to information and connection. Even further, early adopters like America Online (AOL) found a way to intertwine the undoubted success of the internet into their business model. AOL made dial-up access readily available and convenient for mass-market adoption. From there, they retained customers by creating value-added services like e-mail, instant messaging, and a web browser (via Netscape acquisition). AOL pioneered internet access as we know it today, laying the foundation for subsequent advancements including broadband connectivity, online businesses, and modern-day IT.
So, I challenge you to seek out the early-stage technology that is solving the big problems in your industry as AOL did. You have the power to contribute your feedback and know that your voice is being heard. Seek opportunities to leverage partnerships to grow your business and do so when you’re in the unique position to recognize a diamond in the rough.
Here at PureSpectrum, we hope that we can delight you with our sample solution so you’ll continue to return, contribute, and grow with us. And like the internet, we’ll continue to get better with age.